MINOTAUROS is a story of a serial killer… a persona based on the mythical murderers: Tauros, Minotauros and Theseus. 
Constructed like the Cretan labyrinth, the story goes back and forth, while the Ariadne’s thread keeps bonding the characters together, until it’s no longer possible to tell who is who. As Calasso once wrote: „the bulls and their victors just seem to swap places, over and over, as if for them the process of killing and being killed was as simple alternation as undressing and getting dressed again." Pasiphae, Ariadne, Theseus… they all encounter the bull only to realize, that it has always been part of their nature, like the Jungian shadow. And the less it was embodied in their conscious life, the blacker and denser it finally appears to them. Like the labyrinth, or Pasiphae’s artificial cow – the shadow swallows them and transforms into monsters. 
But none of this would happen without Daedalos – the architect of the story and the puppet master responsible for the characters’ every move…


30.09.2011 / Souterrain Porte VI / Nancy / FR
30.03.2012 / Trans/visions Festival / Warsaw / PL
27.10.2012 / Torture Garden / London / UK